Friday, June 25, 2010

Living Proof

About a month ago I noticed that our church needed volunteer photographers to help in the media department. Our church is growing leaps and bounds and I thought what a great opportunity it would be for me to serve the church doing something that I love to do, taking pictures. I was accepted and the adventure started!

My first shoot was VBS (Vacation Bible School). That in itself was a truly blessed experience. I watched as children accepted Jesus into their hearts for the first time. I watched the youth reaching out to the Lord and embracing him. What a wonderful honor to photograph such an amazing event!

Yesterday I went to capture the Aeffect Teens as they worked in the Third Ward of Houston to clean overgrown and trash filled lots. They also painted houses that needed a face lift. When I showed up on the work sight they were sweating and working hard. I was overwhelmed with the stories they shared with me and how uplifted they were even after working all week on this job. These teens were definately "Living Proof of a Loving God to a Watching World". I was amazed at the giving hearts of these teens and was also very proud to meet them. I watched as they worked and at times had to hold back the tears because my emotions were high.
Here are some pictures from yesterday. I'm very happy that I was asked to work on this project and capture the youth of America doing what you'd expect and want them to do!
For more information on how you can get involved go to

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our Twin Family {Houston Texas Family Photography}

We met this family in Boy Scouts with our oldest son. They are our "twin" family and their kids are almost exactly the same ages as my family. We not only have the kids in common, but they are a lot of fun and we enjoy their company. When Carey asked me to take their pictures as a surprise for Dad, Lindy, I was flattered and jumped at the chance. As you can see, they are precious, all of them! Thanks for letting me capture your family!
To book your sesssion call Aimee at 281-412-9923.