Last month one of my images was featured in Mozi Magazine for Sweet Pea Hats. I was so honored that Beatrice, The owner and creator at Sweet Pea Hats asked me if she could use one of my images for the feature. I jumped on it and asked her what image she wanted to use. She requested this adorable image of Little William in one of her pilot/aviator hats. So, of course, I sent it right along to her and the publisher of Mozi. I also ordered the hard copy of the magazine and it is quite impressive to see my work printed out in a magazine. I'm so thrilled! I can't even tell you how giddy it makes me! So, if you get a chance... check out Mozi Magazine. We are page number 89 in the Newborn Edition published last month.
Their magazine is beautiful! And, if you get a chance, fan Sweet Pea Hats because she makes the most adorable photography props and without her my babies wouldn't have all the cute accessories I use. She's amazing!